She'd been complaining about her left arm since the day of the surgery. I told her it was just the IV and not to worry about it. Yesterday afternoon she comes running into the room telling me "OMG, I'm going to faint" and holds out her left arm. There's a big lump between her wrist and elbow. Mich isn't good with anything to do with blood/veins oh and eyes since we're on the topic. I called the surgeon, he said to put compresses on the hand and it's just inflammation from the IV drugs. I told him it wasn't the hand but well up her arm. He then "recommended" we go to the ER and have them look at it "just in case." yea... ok... Good thing she's too old for someone to call the Children's Aid eh?
Off we went. Mich has thrombophlebitis as a reaction to the IV drugs but unusually, it's up her arm instead of the IV site. I did not know this could happen. So, it's ice on the face, warm compresses on the arm. Oh and now something for her stomach as the drugs are eating away at her!
She's always rather high maintenance so really, it's no big deal!
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