Well, we took Matthew to the airport. He was supposed to be there by 8:30am, I was there, they were supposed to be behind me in the other car as Mich and I were carrying on to the office after Matthew's departure. I waited, and waited... walked around, went outside... heard them call "last security check call" for his flight, still no Bob, Matthew and Michelle! Finally they pull up and we run in.
Now, this morning, before we left, Michelle was on the computer and she suddenly blurts out, "can I have a goose?" I said "no" and carried on getting ready. There must have been a story about a goose somewhere that she was reading. She's always asking for random animals, penguins, llamas, pigs, puppies etc.
Back to the airport, Matthew hugs us all goodbye and we go outside to watch him take off. It was a plane like the one in the pic. And... what do I see? Standing on the tail thingy? A giant Canada Goose, honking like mad! He stood there for quite a while then we see another come flying over and they both leave. Now that is weird! Don't have any idea what it means, but it's dang wierd. After the plane took off, the two geese returned.
Our house is full of Matthew's stuff. Here's what he took with him. Two suitcases of clothing, a pillow, a carry-on with his towels and his coffee maker! Gotta love those Bondy men!
1 comment:
We will all miss Matt but like the geese he has to fly away to another province and a new job.
Good luck to him from Bob and Susan.
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