Sunday, October 24, 2010

An interesting map of the cholera outbreak in Haiti

Click on the picture for larger view: (

direct link to the map here

This is based on reports from everywhere; Twitter, Facebook, Google, blogs, Newspapers etc. It shows a different picture than being officially reported so far though some of these cases, apparently, are still to be confirmed by tests.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's going to be a late night in Copiapo Chile and my house!

I remember watching the rescue of Jessica McClure and how thrilling, heart wrenching and emotional it was.

I just listened to CBC radio replay the Moose River Mine rescue of 1936. Here's the link.
"This was North America's first live 24 hour news event."

They're only an hour ahead of our local time in Copiapo Chile, so that means the lifts won't start until quite late tonight. CNN is covering it live, of course. I cannot wait to see the first man come up after 68 days, 1,630+ hours... and endless number of minutes! How excited they must be, well maybe a little less so for the poor fellow with the wife and mistress both waiting for him? I bet even he will be smiling... for the moment!

Friday, October 01, 2010

Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Tyler Clementi & Raymond Chase... 5 lives lost.

It's time to say enough is enough! Bullying cannot/should not be tolerated anywhere, especially at school! Young people have enough questions, worries and self doubts without their peers belittling them!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It's the end of the world as we know it! Facebook is down around the world!

It's the talk of the net... Facepalm! Facebook is down across the world! Gasp...

Service Unavailable - DNS failure is all you get!

Thursday, September 09, 2010

“Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.” Heinrich Heine 1821

Every burned book enlightens the world. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

This Saturday, read a book, spark an idea, fire your imagination and fan the flames of knowledge. Only the ignorant and the paranoid burn books.

Here is a link to the City of Gainseville, Mayor's letter: It would be a tough job he has right now. Send him some positive thoughts!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Windsor/Essex County Humane Society, Pepsi contest

For my Windsor readers. Actually, for any reader! Here's an easy and very deserving Pepsi contest. The Windsor Humane Society is in the running for a $100,000.00 grant to build a Vet Clinic at their new location. Vote and vote often! Thanks! :)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Turtles and Dolphins and Birds... oh my! :(

Of the 691 turtles verified from April 30 to July 19, a total of 473 stranded turtles were found dead, 58 stranded alive. Four of those subsequently died. Eleven live stranded turtles were released, and 43 live stranded turtles are being cared for at rehabilitation centers.

Sixty-one dolphins were found stranded dead. Visible evidence of external oil was confirmed on four dolphins.

An excellent link to what is happening in the Gulf is:,subtopic_id,topic_id&entry_id(entry_subtopic_topic)=809&subtopic_i

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Google Street View... look what I found! Sonic Boom?

View Larger Map

Move it left and right you can see where "it" comes out of and goes back into the sky.

Drill Baby Drill!

This is a map of the Ocean currents from the Gulf stream. The forecasting of a very active hurricane season, often involving the Gulf, gives great pause.

So lets prohibit undersea drilling within a certain distance of land, forcing them to go to deep water instead of simply just prohibiting drilling into the sea bed altogether. This way it can appear that Government is doing something to protect the shoreline and livelihoods of those who live there. Now... allowing deep water drilling should have set off some questions about what would be a very obvious problem. How do you stop it if it goes wrong under about 5000 feet of water? Obviously not very quickly and not very easily. Sadly, it appears no one thought about this before allowing it. Do failsafe blowout preventers fail... apparently.

So while I'm not in favour of any underwater drilling into the bloodstream of our planet, drilling closer to shore, in shallower water would have allowed more and easier options to stop this despicable violation of our planet.

Here's the live feed of the spewing into the Gulf:

Oh and then there's this little tidbit!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ah, the irony of adsense!

I had barely finished posting when this ad appeared! Gosh but Google is quick eh?

Was it you number one...?

*photo CNN*

Who me? Not me! Was it you number two? Who me? Not couldn't be! Was it you number three?

Who cares who's fault it is? Fix it damn it!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Is this what 17 looks like? Moscow suicide bomber was a child.

Regardless of cultural or religious differences, this is not what I picture as a 17 year old girl. The widow of a 30 year old terrorist, killed in Russia last December. Apparently the girl, Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova, also called Jennet Abdurakhmanova in some reports, met Umalat Magomedov on the internet. It is reported that after their first "date" he refused to let her leave and "kept her."

Janis Ian wrote the sad song, "I learned the truth at 17,"
I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
And high school girls with clear skinned smiles
Who married young and then retired.

A 17 year old girl wrapped herself in explosives and walked onto a train and blew herself, and others to pieces. What "truth" did she learn to make this happen? No god, supreme being, call it what you will, deserves this "truth." This is a lie, this horribly distorts "truth."

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Border... a fictional line or reality bites?

Lloydminster Alberta is one thing, half the town in Alberta, half in Saskatchewan. Stanstead Quebec and Debry Line Vermont... quite another! Seriously after all these years of peaceful existance. They share a library for pete sake! In behaving like this we are simply giving in to the terrorists. Move along, nothing to see here... go to where something real is happening. I despair over this attitude and policy. Sometimes, Americans just can't see what's good for all the bad they percieve!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

So... this is one of our most pressing issues in Canada?

O Canada lyrics to be reviewed

Oh... give me a break! I'm a "daughter" and I can live with it! As a person who actually uses words like "whilst" and "whinge," "thou dost in us command" may resonate but why? Really, why?

**Update** So this was a tempest in a tea pot and served to divert attention from the real business of "Parliament." Oh really?

American Idol...

American Idol? Not so much... it's actually painful to watch! This is the best of the best? I'm thinking it's time to move on. Oh but not to Dancing With the Stars... Kate what's her name? Seriously? It's back to real, as opposed to reality tv for me!

*Buzz Aldrin* on DWTS is one of my life long heroes! From walking on the moon to Dancing With the Stars? He's danced with the REAL stars for heaven's sake... why?
(All puns intended.)

Friday, February 26, 2010

When stereotypes live up to their well... stereotypes!

*credit CNN US news* February 26, 2010

Ok then. Lets look at the "South." Dogs, cows, bison and a guy shooting his wife. All we're missing is some beer and a truck! Seriously, go to but click US instead of home page and look at the stories. It's like this every day! Click the link and go to the bison story... it's a good one! "It's unclear why the animal was being transported or where to."

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February fretting...

Killer whales: well lets see, 6 - 9 meters, 3 - 9 tons with a life span of up to 50 years. Highly social and intelligent. Take one from an ocean, stick it in a tank, make it do tricks and surprise...

Trucking along:
This morning I'm behind a transport truck, Deluxe Freight out of Burlington Ontario and this guy couldn't stay in one lane if his life depended on it. (The irony of our lives depending on it is not wasted on me!) He was everywhere, all over the road! I stayed well back, until it was safe to pass him. (About 10 blocks!) When I was beside him I realize the problem. Apparently it's not that easy to dig through your lunch pail, find and peel a banana whilst driving a transport! Ha... go figure!

Olympic women's hockey:
Simple, give Canada automatic gold, USA automatic silver and let the rest of the world play for bronze. It's embarrassing! It's not sportsman like and certainly not the spirit of the games.

Olympic men's hockey:
Could someone explain to me how professional, paid NHL stars qualify in "amateur games?" It's really just all star hockey split into countries.

Olympic Medals:
Yay Canada. Up to 7 gold with a total of 15. Double Yay for the females who've done most of the work!

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Bo tribe is extinct.

This is so sad. Every day we lose a part of ourselves. Part of the world that has made us what we are. I look around and see what we are left with and shudder. The best of us is gone, the lunatic fringe prospers and seriously, we are in so much trouble.

We focus on the negative, we focus on obtaining useless things, we spend time, energy and money on attempting to harm and what should we be doing? We should be focusing on how to make things so much better than they are. Life, is to be lived. Life is to be shared, life to to continue giving, to reproduce and to bring to this earth happiness, love and community.

This woman is the end of her kind. The end of a distinct and important part of who we are. We should be paying attention.

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Thank goodness CBS' big eye is watching over what we watch!

*copyright CBS*

Gay dating site, Super Bowl ad - NO
Anti Abortion, Super Bowl ad - YES

So... lets look at their program line up. Victoria's Secret Fashion show, half, correct that, three quarters naked women prancing along the runway.

Two and a Half Men, degrading to women, sexist, tawdry and infantile.

CSI, Criminal Minds, (both of which I love and watch,) full of death and violence;

Undercover Boss, next week... at Hooters.

Can't wait to see the ad... 15 year old cheerleader, 16 year old football player get married and live happily ever after... sigh...(Gotta make it football relevant no?)

I am NOT advocating abortion. I am pro choice and in today's world, with all the birth control measures available I see little excuse for "oopses." Abortion is not birth control. I too, am pro choice when it comes to someone's personal life.

Monday, February 01, 2010

So, lets go to Haiti, grab 33 kids and cross an international border...

Photo Credit: AFP/Getty Images, Telegraph UK


Gee, what a great idea eh? Seriously, can anyone truly be that stupid? "Misguided" is a ridiculous word for what these "missionaries" tried to do. Besides stupid it is autocratic, presumptuous, arrogant and typical "big brother with a big stick/bible" behaviour. The level of arrogance displayed by these people is criminal!

There are lessons to be learned, most have learned them by reviewing the history of the past hundreds of years of Imperialistic attitudes and behaviours! I say, throw them in jail, make them read the history of the country of Haiti, USA, Canada, England, France... every large and largely European settled country on the face of this earth and see what was done in the name of "God, betterment, civilization and helpfulness!"

"God is the one who called us to come here and we just really believed that this was his purpose," said Carla Thompson, another member of the group, which called itself the New Life Children's Refuge.

"One (9-year-old) girl was crying, and saying, 'I am not an orphan. I still have my parents.' And she thought she was going on a summer camp or a boarding school or something like that," said George Willeit, a spokesman for the SOS Children's Village.

The children were taken to an orphanage run by Austrian-based SOS Children's Villages, where spokesman George Willeit said they arrived "very hungry, very thirsty." A 2- to 3-month-old baby was dehydrated and had to be hospitalized, he said. Workers were searching for their families or close relatives.

"There are many who come here with religious ideas that belong more in the time of the inquisition," said Max Beauvoir, head of Haiti's Voodoo Priest's Association, which represents thousands of priests and priestesses. "These types of people believe they need to save our souls and our bodies from ourselves. We need compassion, not proselytizing now, and we need aid - not just aid going to people of the Christian faith."

"The majority of these children have families. Some of the older ones said their parents are alive, and some gave an address and phone numbers," said Vargas, a Costa Rican who is in charge of SOS Children's operations in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean.

Life and living

People pay for what they do, and still more, for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it simply: by the lives they lead. ~Edith Wharton~

*by the lonely, isolated, twisted and desolate lives they lead*

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Prorogation... the "chads" of Canada

Prorogation, summation; the nation is patient to a point, but the Haitian situation, the degradation in the Arab nation, demand negotiation not libation during a vacation!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010, a year in fast forward?

One second it's New Year's Eve and the next we're 19 days into 2010. How does this happen? I have been so negligent in posting.

I'm not going to talk much about Haiti as there are no words that can truly capture the misery of that tragic story. Do what you can to help, that's all that matters at this point.

A decade into the 2000's I cannot help but to think back to the 1999 New Year's Eve and remember the excitement and massive world wide partying that was going on. It was amazing. Did the decade lived up to that excitement? I'd have to say no. World wide there was so much bad news, so much hate, so much destruction. We can only hope the next 10 years brings more hope. (Though sadly, Haiti's situation is certainly no way to start this decade with hope.)