The Hippocratic Oath
Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres has slunk into my neighbourhood. The building permit applied for by the construction company who claimed it was for a "Business Office." At this location, as described last night at a meeting, by the staff of the clinic, they are a "medical facility," they do "blood draws" and "urine testing." There is an on site Pharmacy, a Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technicians and they dispense methadone. This does not sound like a "business office." There is no Doctor, however, one comes to Windsor "as needed." The clients are see via video-conference for a minute or two and then a prescription is "written" read: sent via email, for the methadone. (They get to bill OHIP for this!)
I have no problem with Methadone programs that have a goal to have you live drug free, be it the illegal opiates or the substitute methadone. I think that a private VERY for profit company may not be such a program? Seems to me getting you off methadone would be cutting into their own bottom line. Our tax dollars fund this incestuous set up. Incestuous you say? Yep... From the Treatment Centres, to the Pharmacies, to the software, to the labs ad infinitum... these two Docs own the giant circle.
The following are links to information on Ontario Addiction Treatment Centres that should be eye opening. Way too many for me to do synopses on, so just click away and make your own conclusions.
http://www.oatc.ca/ OATC home page
http://www.oha.com/KnowledgeCentre/Library/CoronersReports/Documents/Wade%20Lamont%20Hatt%20Inquest.pdf Coroners report
http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/144334 Toronto Star article
http://www.thestar.com/News/article/144358 Toronto Star article
Ontario College of Pharmacists discipline committee report #1 Wong
Pharmacist #2 Reich
Pharmacist #3 Hopkin
The software developed for Dr. Jeff Daiter that his remote Pharmacists must purchase
Toronto Star article, Comquest Systems Inc. owned by Dr. Jeff Daiter, plead no contest to OHIP improprieties
Toronto Star article regarding College of Physicians and Surgeons probe of clinics
There's more but my fingers are getting almost as tired as my brain from sorting all of this out! If you Google, you can find reams of stuff on your own.