Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Swine flu. It's 1976 all over again!
This is the last thing the world's fragile economic state needed. Should this reach pandemic proportions with people not leaving their houses we'll be stepping out into a whole new world once we unlock our doors.
Since last September when the false, easily affordable, high living fable fell apart it's been one major blow after another. I suppose it a smack of reality hitting hard and fast. We cannot live on promises, we cannot destroy the very place that sustains us, we cannot shove thousands of animals into a building, beef them up on man made drugs never allowing them to move more than a few inches and expect all to be well. Consumers, consume. We seem to be ravenous.
I suppose it's more than just a coincidence that "consumption" has the meanings it has?
Now as an aside here's a BBC link. Do you think this is an issue that really needs to be made at this time in human history? Is this how "politically correct" we must be? I say worry less about the name and more about the cause and effects!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Chrysler and the C.A.W.

Kenny says: No concessions, pattern bargaining just like always. well Kenny...
The Letter from Chrysler to their employees: The letter warned that the “clock is ticking. The letter outlined the company’s proposals to offset costs, “without affecting base wages and pensions.” They include:
• Prescription drug dispensing fees, by eliminating the cap results in estimated savings of $2.16 per hour.
• Elimination of out-of-province health care coverage (snowbirds), with employees and retirees assuming responsibility for any coverage results in a cost savings of $1.00 per hour.
• The change from semi-private hospital room coverage to “ward” coverage saves an estimated $0.97 per hour.
• Elimination of life insurance for current and future employees results in a cost savings of $1.54 per hour.
• The reduction of shift premiums to 2.5 per cent results in a cost savings of $.80 per hour.
• The elimination of non-traditional benefits such as child care, legal services, tuition reimbursement, dependent scholarships and extended health care coverage (chiropractic services, massage therapy, naturopath, orthotics, etc.) results in a cost savings of $0.73 per hour.
Well... it's a new world, new expectations, the unions no longer carry the weight and power they've brandished for so long. Jobs are not for life, the company is not responsible nor can they carry us from cradle to grave. We're back to a time where you earn your keep, you merit the raise or the promotion. There are plenty of places in the world willing to do these jobs for much, much less. I'm not going to comment on the benefits these folks have enjoyed for so many years, I really had no idea how good they've had it!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Susan Boyle, Britain's Got Talent!

Yep, Simon smiling... you know something's up!
Here's who's up... a 47 year old Villager named Susan Boyle! I'm jumping on her bandwagon.
Here's the You Tube link... click it, it's well worth watching!
Not something you see everyday!

(Not the actual bird seen, photo from Google images.)
Driving to work this morning, I was watching for my hawk that's usually sitting on the airport fence; (we've bonded, I'm pretty sure he nods his head to me as I drive by.) Well, no hawk, just a squished opossum.
I approach the intersection of Lauzon Parkway and County Rd. #42, it should be noted that there are farm lands, ponds and woods in the area, along with 3,456,789 transport trucks and just about as many cars! I see something huge and brown at the side of the road! Yep... a female wild turkey! She stood there staring at me, I tried to take a picture with my cell phone but cars pulled up between us. I've see many birds, including large birds like eagles, hawks and falcons, but not a turkey and certainly never had one stand still and stare at me!
I looked up animal omens... turkey means abundance, the promise of things to come!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter.

So, I haven't blogged in quite a while, and yes I got the messages! I've been lazy and busy.
Last weekend Bob and I went for a day trip to London to visit my family. It was a nice day for a drive and great to see them. I didn't see everyone but we were only there for a couple of hours visiting. We stopped to pick up some camping supplies for Mich for her trip to BC in early May.
She's off to help conduct research (for her Grad lab at UWO,) on the Gulf Islands for 3 weeks then comes home for a couple of weeks, then off to New York City to help conduct research, (for her current Lab at Windsor,) at ... The Museum Of Natural History! Then she's home for a bit before she moves to London to start officially at UWO. (I don't want to talk about it!)
It's getting busy at work for the Victoria Day fireworks season and shows. I will be at the office 7 days a week soon and likely 10 hours a day, I will try to sneak in the odd blog.
Hope you're all having a wonderful holiday weekend with friends and family! Oh and a big thank you to Patty who picked up the huge stash of Easter candy for me! (Bob and Mich say thanks too!) xoxo
Friday, April 03, 2009
Windsor Canal Project - doable!

The report on feasibility is in and it says it can be done! Details will be released to Council soon and then we'll all know!
Here's a link to my original posting on this project!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
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