Saturday, November 29, 2008
pssssst... Annie... it's baaaaack! (Yes you Ann R.)
I know you've been waiting for it! Your favourite thing I blog about... the bird feeder is back up. Now you can wait anxiously for this year's pics! (This is from last year to remind you of what you've been missing.) xoxo
Friday, November 28, 2008
My rude family and friends!
So... what are the odds that twice in two days someone would ask you "are you smelling burnt toast?" Well if you are me, those odds are apparently very good! Both times it was explained by "well, sometimes we do all look at you and wonder if maybe you've just had a stroke or something!"
Rude, rude, rude! They claim that would be the only logical explanation of my behaviour or topic of conversation.
I'm gonna smack someone with a piece of burnt toast soon! :รพ
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Photo/Graph: Google Trends
In March of this year, I did a posting on MRSA and what I've seen in hospitals, especially in Geriatric Wards. I am amazed at the number of people who've ended up here as the result of a google search for MRSA. It is from everywhere, all over the world, from Sweden to Indonesia to the USA, all kinds of institutions. Universities, High Schools, Hospitals, Military Installations, Governments... the list goes on and on. I would say that in my little, non-famous blog I get at least two hits a day based on that search.
Obviously, these people are looking for answers, looking for information... I would suggest that a much stronger, more organized effort on the part of Heath experts is called for.
Here's a great link to some info on MRSA.
*EDIT* from midnight to 7:30pm today, there were 9 hits from searching MRSA, one Brazil, one Netherlands and seven USA.
What could have been.
I am so far behind the calendar!
One minute, here in the far south of Canada, it was warm and sunny; flowers still blooming and me not having the heart to rip them up. The next minute, every leaf is off the trees and there's been a bit of snow!
The sun umbrella is still on the patio table, the hammock is still outside and all the leaves are on my lawn! We do have some excuses in that in the past couple of weeks, which is when this seasonal turn about has happened, I've been one weekend in London, 4 days in Ottawa and Bob had a week of afternoons!
I'm hoping for a non seasonal, mini tornado to come and pick those dang leaves up! The umbrella and hammock I will take care of this weekend!
Anyone walking down my street with a rake, feel free to jump in!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Ottawa getting ready for the GG
Michelle is famous!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
If you need a little lift while I'm away.
I'm off to Ottawa on business for a few days so there may not be any posts for a bit. I thought I'd leave you with this cute little gimmik! Enjoy. Go ahead, click the link... it'll make you smile!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sarah Palin at home
My sister Sandra has accused me of having a "girl crush!" Sheesh how silly is that? Just because every other post, or even every post in a row is about Sarah doesn't' mean that I am enamoured of her does it? Really... does it? OMG! I love her, I can't help it and it makes no sense whatsoever! Politically, we couldn't be further apart but I can't get enough of her.
This video is another great one for her. I really do think the pundits on the Republican side should have just let her out and be Sarah at her best!
I'm thinking of nominating her for leadership of the Liberal party. We're gonna haf ta work on her platform and maybe the dropping of the endings of every word but other than that... (wink)
Oh and I wanna send a shout out to my sister Sandra way up there in Sturgeon Falls, not as far north as Wasilla Alaska but compared to where I am, it might as well be!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Edmund Fitzgerald, Nov. 10, 1975
I share my birthday with this event. (Same date, different year by 18 years.Though the ship was just about the same year as me, launched in June 1958.) Every year I hear this song on my birthday. This year, I didn't hear the song even once, so here it is; in their memory. (This video is very, very well done.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Remembrance Day, try to remember to remember.
90 years since the end of "The War To End All Wars." How little we've learned. Remember
Friday, November 07, 2008
Sarah Palin... leave her alone!
YOU picked her! YOU vetted her! YOU enjoyed the hundreds of thousands that attended her rallies! YOU were her aids who passed her the phone when the "President of France" called! YOU are the ultimate responsibility!
I don't care that she answered the door in a towel... for the love of terry cloth, you were supposedly her allies, supporters and advisers! You should be ashamed and go crawl back into that poli-sci hole from whence you came!
Again, I don't agree with her in any way, shape or form but I love that woman.
Sarah, if you ever come to Windsor Ontario Canada, look me up!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
And in the morning after, some things are still the same!
It's a good thing Sarah's going home, she can keep an eye out for us!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Obama is the President of the United States of America
USA, is there any hope?
I'm watching CNN. I realize I am a measly Canadian, but were I an American right now, I would hang my head in shame at the way this election is being analysed by the "pundints."
Until YOU Americans stop analyzing by race nothing is going to change! Until YOU Americans, tell your news outlets, (read CNN,) to stop talking about how "interesting" the colour vote split is how can you possibly hope to actually invoke a real change?
I am saddened and dismayed by this type of reporting. Am I shocked? Nope. Do I not think that race/religion/guns/gender effect voting... of course, but to promote the carrying of a State by simple race numbers is asking for trouble and demeaning to the Candidates.
Until YOU Americans stop analyzing by race nothing is going to change! Until YOU Americans, tell your news outlets, (read CNN,) to stop talking about how "interesting" the colour vote split is how can you possibly hope to actually invoke a real change?
I am saddened and dismayed by this type of reporting. Am I shocked? Nope. Do I not think that race/religion/guns/gender effect voting... of course, but to promote the carrying of a State by simple race numbers is asking for trouble and demeaning to the Candidates.
History in the making; today's the day for the USA!
Monday, November 03, 2008
Dwight Duncan invades my kitchen on CBC radio! ummm... ah.... well
So, I'm in my kitchen, cleaning up after cooking listening to "As it Happens" one of my favourite CBC radio shows when... OMG... "Double D" is suddenly on air! Yep... a Provincial
"Politician" on our national radio! Is nothing sacred? I had just eaten! It was about Ontario receiving equalization payments for the first time in history which is embarrassing in itself as Newfoundland is now a contributor for the love of the economy!
Allow me to quote him. "um... ah.... 4 million... ah.... um... well.. .ah.... ah... blah... ah.... ah... ah.... seriously? Has he every listened to himself? I would recommend he do so and head for a public speaking tutor quickly! Ah... ah.... um... and ah... Have I made myself clear?
That interview could have been done in 1/2 the time, sparing us his "eloquence" had he simply spit out the words and not hummed, ahhhed and umed throughout!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Go ahead all you Mavericks... click everywhere!
There's a Maverick in da' house! (Some you can click more that once.) Sorry, click the link, not the pic!
Thanks again Patty!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
My very obedient house!
Saturday morning, Bob's in the living room reading the paper, I'm in the computer room reading papers on line. The tv is going on and on about changing the clocks tonight and changing the batteries in your smoke detectors... well... suddenly we hear a "chirp." Yep, we follow the rules in this house!
Bob gets up, and pulls the battery out of the smoke detector in the kitchen. A few seconds later... "chirp." Wrong detector. For years, we only had one, the new law is one on every floor and we've got a couple extra besides. I head to the basement, Bob heads upstairs and we wait for the next "chirp." It was the one in the upstairs hall.
Now if only the 37 clocks in this house would re-set themselves... all would be wonderful!
Bob gets up, and pulls the battery out of the smoke detector in the kitchen. A few seconds later... "chirp." Wrong detector. For years, we only had one, the new law is one on every floor and we've got a couple extra besides. I head to the basement, Bob heads upstairs and we wait for the next "chirp." It was the one in the upstairs hall.
Now if only the 37 clocks in this house would re-set themselves... all would be wonderful!
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