Well, last night Bob, (husband, not next door,) advised me he was going to Harrow to look at a truck that was for sale. I casually said... "maybe I'll go with you." So we left at about 11:30am today and got home after 4pm!
I, of course, had different ideas about a "quick" trip to the county. There were many reasons for this long of a trip. First of all, I had never been down Gore Road before. Then, we passed a farm where two of four horses were laying down, in the dirt, in bright sunshine. Now, horses lay down for two reasons, 1-to give birth, 2-they are sick. So after we saw the truck he didn't want to buy after all, I had to double back to check on the horses! (They were standing back up but keep an eye open on Gore Rd. if you're driving by ok?)
Then we had to drive up and down country roads as farmers often just park their trucks by the road with a sign in the window. Oh, if anyone needs a tractor or 5, call me... I know where there are some available. If you need a seadoo... call me for that too! The only trucks we saw were Fords and Chrysler/Dodge's and being a 4 car GM family... they just wouldn't do!
Then we had to find a Tim's and get a coffee and a donut.
Then we had to drop my sister-in-law's dish off to her I've had since Christmas or Easter, I can't remember.
Then we had to stop at the cemetery in Amherstburg to visit Bob's Mom & Dad's graves. Then we had to find his Grandparents and Uncle's graves. Then we had to clear their plaques as the grounds had grown over the Grandparents and Uncle. (Luckily I had a tool thingy in the glove box and was able to do this! I'm calling the cemetery tomorrow as Grandma is sinking and perpetual care is... hello... perpetual!)
Then we had to go to the Verdi Club because my company was doing their fireworks show. We were too early to hook up with the crew though, so we left.
Then we had to stop for gas. Then we had to stop at A&P, then we had to get newspapers, (real ones... not the Windsor Star,) at Sam's. Then we came home.
See, no frivolous stops or driving around... It was all very important. Bob, of course, at about 1:30 was whinging that he would have been home by 1pm had he been alone! Whatever!